Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve on Pleasure Island with the Funmeister

"Out with the old, and in with the new---visions untold are waiting for you! Just take a chance, it's up to you---out with the old and in with the new!"---I'm paraphrasing here.

Every night was a New Year's Eve celebration on Pleasure Island at Walt Disney World. The "Spirit of New Year's"---a disco alien lady with an echoing voice----sang a special song and counted down to the New Year with her army of grinding, dirty-dancing friends.

I was a freshman in high school during my first visit to Pleasure Island. I did not drink then, and I only rarely drink now. Intoxicated people can be very amusing, but also sometimes very unpleasant to be around. I have enough problems, so I'm glad that I've never been interested in alcoholic beverages.

I really liked the Comedy Warehouse---it had all sorts of retired theme park props hanging on the walls. And if the comedians were funny, the show was fantastic.

Pleasure Island's mascot was pretty slick----The Funmeister----a dancing moon man with a building for a body. He's a smooth-talking player. I'm sure he won't return your phone calls.

Happy New Year Everyone!


  1. The Funmeister kind of reminds me of "Mac Tonight", the McDonald's mascot from the late eighties.

    Ooooh, what kind of theme park goodies were in the Comedy Warehouse?

    Happy New Year to you, Dan!

  2. Happy New Year, TokyoMagic!

    Yes, I can totally see the resemblance to Mac Tonight! This brochure/map is the only time I've seen the character's name mentioned, or seen him with legs.

    One thing I remember at the Comedy Warehouse was a parade drum with a Disney lion on it---either Prince John or the Lion from Bedknobs and Broomsticks. They had lots of old props and signs on the walls. I should have taken a picture!

  3. Yes! Mac! the short lived McDonald's mascot.

    I was at Pleasure Island a few times during family vacations, and you could just feel the electricity and excitement in the air! My trip last August was totally different. All the clubs are shutting down, and they're revamping the whole area.

    I guess there was an unwanted element that Disney just didn't want there. An employee told me there were always fights and trouble breaking out, and Disney was sick of it.

    Happy new year brother!

  4. Yup, Pleasure Island is totally different now. I wonder if they will start to put anything in the old clubs soon. It feels strange that the spot where the New Year's Eve show happened is just a walkway now.

    Happy New Year to you, too, Dad!
