Sunday, February 14, 2010

Revenge of the (Candy) Nerds--AKA It's Valentine's Day, Go Hug A Nerd

Since I've already posted Valentines, I thought I'd do something different today.

Candy is an important part of Valentine's Day, and this candy apparently needs your affection.

This ad is from 1984. For $6.95 and four proof of purchase seals, you get your own cuddly plush Nerd.

This sounds expensive to me in 2010. I wonder how many kids put all their effort into buying a stuffed Nerd. It doesn't look like you got to pick out which color you wanted, either.

This offer expired June 30, 1985. Sorry to get your hopes up if you wanted one.

Happy Valentine's Day! Remember, the candy is half price tomorrow.


  1. "Adoption Certificate?" Looks like they were copying the Cabbage Patch Kid's gimmick a little. Great vintage ad!

  2. Hey TokyoMagic! Yes, I was thinking the same thing.

  3. I remember these things. My cousin desperately wanted one. Me.. I just wanted Nerds candy. Nothing more.. nothing less. LOL!

  4. Hey Darrin! I did manage to get some plastic candy container Nerds over the years. Mmmmm! I also remember Nerds Cereal (not as good) ;-)
