Monday, March 8, 2010

Brer Fox of the Caribbean

Here I am with Brer Fox at his favorite place to hang out at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Florida back in 1990. Yes, Brer Fox from Song of the South loved to spend the afternoon in Adventureland at the entrance of the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction.

In this picture, I am wearing a Splash Mountain shirt from Disneyland (which I still have). Disneyland's Splash Mountain opened at that park's Critter Country (formerly called Bear Country) in 1989.

I was absolutely obsessed with Splash Mountain, and the Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox and Brer Bear characters associated with the ride. I was very excited to get a picture with Brer Fox here.

Splash Mountain did not open at Walt Disney World in Florida in the Magic Kingdom's Frontierland until 1992, so Brer Fox felt free to roam around wherever he pleased before the attraction debuted.

You can see an animatronic parrot wearing a Pirate hat in this picture (he's under the Pirates of the Caribbean sign). He's no longer there--when the attraction was updated to tie in to the recent hit films, he was removed (he moved to the World of Disney store in Downtown Disney).


  1. Great pic! Does the parrot still talk now that he is in the World of Disney store?

  2. Thanks TokyoMagic! You know, I felt horrible because I couldn't even remember seeing the parrot at the World of Disney---but I remembered reading about his move to that location. A quick YouTube search shows him talking and singing!

  3. My old man actually took me to see Song of the South in the 70's during one of the movie re-release's that Disney occasionally did. Loved all of those characters, especially Brer Bear.

    Also.. I miss the old tattoo'd parrot that used to heckle you on the way in.

  4. Hey Darrin! I've never even seen Song of the South, just clips that were shown on the Disney Channel. I do remember that it had a Fall re-release in theaters in the early 1980s. I have seen what are no doubt poorly dubbed VHS tapes at flea markets, but I would rather get a quality copy.

    I also love that parrot! I have always been impressed with animatronics that are outside (especially the ones with fur/feathers like the parrot, or the dynamite-chewing goat at Disneyland's Big Thunder Mountain).

  5. I know! To stand up to the elements all year round is an impressive feat indeed! I wish I had the job of maintaining, err... "feeding" the animals after the park closes for the night.

  6. That would be cool, Darrin! I'm curious what materials are used for the furry creatures that live at Walt Disney World's Big Thunder Mountain. Those poor critters have been exposed to the full force of Florida's elements for a very long time!

  7. Wow. What an honor to meet Brer Fox.

  8. Hey Tom--I know!!! What made it even better was the fact that he was very friendly.

  9. Who sings in a helium voice during the Laughing Place bit? It's a little hard to see who.
