Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Visit With Disney Archivist Dave Smith

Back in my day, we didn't have any confusing Internets or computers with fancy gizmos and flashing lights. We wrote letters on paper, and sent them in an envelope with a stamp. We waited weeks or months for a response, and we liked it!

Well, we didn't know any better.

I love the Internet, and wish I had it when I was younger.

The Disney Channel used to distribute The Disney Channel Magazine, and that publication featured a column with Disney Archivist Dave Smith. You could write in letters with questions, and he would answer them.

None of my questions were ever printed, but Dave Smith always did write a response to me in the form of great letters! Many of these letters were printed on nifty Disney stationary, too.

In June of 1993, my Dad had to go on a business trip to Anaheim, California and he brought me along. I had just graduated high school, and was excited about flying across the United States to visit Disneyland for the third time.

I also got to visit The Walt Disney Studios and have lunch with Dave Smith. It was very exciting!

Here I am with Dave Smith at The Walt Disney Studios in June of 1993. Good times!

I am wearing yet another Splash Mountain shirt in this picture---this one was from Walt Disney World.

In 1991, a young Imagineer named Chris Oliver was working on Walt Disney World's Splash Mountain, and noticed my letters in the Archives. Imagine my shock when he wrote me! After I had lunch with Dave Smith, I got to meet up with Chris on this trip, too!


  1. Cool! How were you able to meet with him while you were in CA? Did he invite you to come to the studios?

  2. Hey TokyoMagic! Yes, I was invited to the Studio via a written letter. It is curious that they don't do public tours, because there is a gift shop there! I got to see the sound stage where Home Improvement was taped (but since it was June, nothing was going on at all). I just found my Disneyland Two Day Passport from this trip, with the dates stamped June 19 and June 20. So these pictures were taken June 21, 1993.

  3. Man.. what a great story! You were so blessed to experience this. A great story you'll have to share for years to come!!

  4. Thanks Darrin! Yes, it was absolutely thrilling for me at the time. Of course, I saved all the letters I received, and some of the envelopes---what a time capsule!

  5. That's so cool!

    When I was a kid, and the Muppets were still owned by Henson, there was an "Ask the Archives" feature on the Henson website that I used all the time. I got to know one or two of the archivists via email... and they answered a lot of my questions! It actually got to the point where they had to ask me to limit my questions to two or three per email. :) But they were always very nice!

  6. Peyton, it sounds like you made them work for their money---I love it!!
