Friday, March 12, 2010

Winnie the Pooh Easter Peeps

I have a soft spot for Marshmallow Peeps. I can remember eating them at Easter when I was three years old. These days, Peeps are not just limited to Easter time, and sometimes they are available in different flavors. I love the Vanilla Creme, Gingerbread, and Strawberry flavored Peeps. Many years ago, my Mom gave me a plush Halloween Cat Peep (I don't think I've ever seen the Cat candy in person, but I have seen and gotten sick eating too many of the Ghost Peeps). This past Christmas, I was given a box of Christmas Tree Peeps (I just threw a stale one in the trash two days ago).

In 2002, the Disney Catalog offered Winnie the Pooh Easter Peeps. I think these look great! I wonder if these are still made. Maybe if they were available at grocery chains, they'd be more affordable than the price in the Disney Catalog.


  1. LOL, they look like a Jack-o-Lantern with ears! :)

    But yeah, they really are cute.

  2. Ha ha! Peyton, I looked at the Marshmallow Peeps website, and it turns out they do make Jack-O-Lantern Peeps at Halloween!

  3. HA! Those are awesome! And you can probably find MIMP's of these. LOL! While they do make some pretty ingenious Peeps.. I can't eat them. Never have been able to stomach them. My kids love em' however.

  4. Darrin, I totally understand that Peeps are not everyone's favorite, as they are very unusual. I think a lot of the appeal for me is the nostalgia. I am a big fan of the flavored Peeps, which are a little bit softer.
