Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Monstore at Six Flags Part 3

Shown in the first picture here is concept art of a monster named Pookie with his ice cream stealing "friend" Filly.  Filly was also used in a display fixture seen in Part 1.

Next we see the elephant-like (or anteater like) dancer monsters.  These were removed from the ride years ago and never returned.  I'm guessing they broke down and are possibly in the living room of a Six Flags employee now.

We also have an early concept of Marshall Billy Bob Fritter.  The animatronic Plantation version of Billy Bob did not have nostrils, but the Mansion version does.

Also shown here is the large mural in the museum section.  The statue bird is represented here, though he is no longer in the ride.  Mizzy Scarlett is part of the mural that I missed (my antique digital camera had no more memory!).

The black and white drawings are Monster Mansion addition concepts.  The monsters on the player piano and the interesting wishing well ideas did not make it to the new version of the ride.  The photo monster and the water spout monsters managed to find their way into the Mansion, though.

I'm not sure if the "totem pole" monster concept was for the Plantation or the Mansion.  These monsters decorate the stand of the display used for The Monster Plantation's ride model figures, which will be seen next time!

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