Friday, June 25, 2010

The Very Nice Head Lice: Post 6

Here's Post #6 of my PG-13 rated 2009 storybook spoof, "The Very Nice Head Lice."  More to make you go "ewww!"
I have had many encounters with ticks, and they are just horrific creatures.  I have discovered them between my toes and fingers after doing yard work, and I'm usually so frazzled when I see one, I forget the proper way to remove them.

Stay tuned for more!


  1. Never seen a tick before....and I hope I never do! They sound pretty bad!

  2. TokyoMagic!, the ticks that have attacked me reminded me of something from a sci-fi movie. They dig their claws into your skin, and hang on tight. Nasty!

  3. HAHA! this is hysterical. SOMEONE had to do this.
