Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pluto and the Cheshire Cat Christmas Pet Stockings

When I was a kid, my Mom made our dog a stocking shaped like a dog biscuit (she even stitched "Milk Bone" on it), and toy mouse shaped stockings for our cats. I always thought this was fun, though I don't know if our pets ever took notice of being included in the stocking tradition. I do know that our dog loved Halloween because of the candy corn.

In 2004, the Disney Catalog had these cool personalized pet stockings. Pluto and the Cheshire Cat have been seen on quite a few pet-related Disney items over the years.

I do wonder how long it took the photographer to get this picture for the Disney Catalog.


  1. I never knew they made these, but it shouldn't surprise me. You can find virtually anything when it comes to Disney X-mas stuff these days!

  2. I like these! As a kid, we had a stocking for our cat too!

  3. Darrin: Too true! They've thought of everything!

    TokyoMagic!: I knew we weren't the only ones to have stockings for our pets! I've seen lots of different Disney pet Christmas stockings, and these are my favorites.
