Thursday, June 29, 2017

Cavity Crunch: Crispy Sweet Cereal with Minty Toothpaste Flavored Marshmallow Teeth

I have been watching a YouTube Channel called Cereal Time TV, and it inspired me to create a new Breakfast Cereal.  Cavity Crunch from General Sawmills takes inspiration from Wacky Packages, General Mills cereal from the 1970s and 1980s, and Little Shop of Horrors.  I'm now realizing that Dental Adam could be a cousin of Mr. Clean.


  1. I LOVED Wacky Packages. Great job, Dan! And I'm glad you made your cereal extra "sticky" with the butterscotch, peanut brittle, candy apple and toffee. "Sticky" sugars are better for the teeth....better for rotting them! ;-)

  2. Thank you, TokyoMagic! I love old cereal brands, especially those of General Mills, where the concepts and mascots were downright outlandish (like Sir Grapefellow and Baron Von Redberry).
