Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Ludo is Your Friend in the Labyrinth

I saw the 1986 Jim Henson film Labyrinth by myself in an empty movie theater in Sarasota, Florida when I was a kid.  The movie was a disappointment when it debuted, but has gained a big cult following over the years.  I decided to make a statue of Ludo using some of his rock friends.  When the Muppet Babies cartoon did a Labyrinth themed episode, Ludo was described as an "Orangutan Troll" which seems like a very appropriate description of Ludo's appearance.  It is somewhat shocking to live in Sarasota today and be able to find merchandise of Ludo at Books A Million.

I also built Sir Didymus and Ambrosius, Sarah's canine friends in Labyrinth.

When I first watched Labyrinth, the concept that the events of the movie were a dream Sarah was having didn't even cross my mind.  I didn't make the connection of all the character toys in Sarah's bedroom and that Ambrosius was the same type dog as Sarah's dog, Merlin.  It is very Wizard of Oz.  Of course, Labyrinth ended up inspiring other people.  Sir Didymus seems to have been an inspiration for Puss in Boots in the Shrek series, and Buck the Weasel in the Ice Age films.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes. With materials sourced from the beach. And paint and superglue!
