Sunday, December 26, 2021

Vint Motorvehicle: Rocky Roads and Shell Stations

 Where I live in Florida (Venice), I've noticed that a lot of people here collect vintage cars.  And also motorcycles.  And I also live very close to a small airport and I see a lot of old airplanes.  This led me to create the world of Vint Motorvehicle.  These characters were created using materials I found on the beaches (shells, rocks, and shark teeth) plus glue and paint.

Vint "HotRod" Motorvehicle is the leader of this retro crew.  Vint is short for "Vintage."

I think I love old cars so much because they remind me of amusement park ride vehicles (like the Antique Car ride at Six Flags, or Lightning Rod at Dollywood).  

Damian Cruiser is a hellion on wheels.  He's up to no good, and that is OK.

With his red hot color and fins, the name Damian was definitely inspired by the character in the film The Omen.

Baron Thundercloud is a dashing adventurer airplane.

Baron Thundercloud is a bit of a show-off.

Razorback Chopper is one bad motorcycle.

Razorback is the definition of a road hog.  Vint better stay out of his way!

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