Saturday, March 26, 2022

Charles Entertainment Cheese, The Pizza Time Theatre Rat


I grew up within walking distance to Showbiz Pizza Place in Vestavia Hills, Alabama.  Over the years, I watched as a rat named Chuck E. Cheese slowly invaded the restaurant (starting with redemption prize souvenir banks) before the Showbiz chain was eventually renamed to Chuck E. Cheese.  The Showbiz/Chuck E. Cheese drama is an insanely complicated story that I will not even attempt to explain here (go watch Defunctland's Chuck E. Cheese story on YouTube!).  But as a kid, I had never been to a Chuck E. Cheese branded location (though I remember hearing classmates talk about it).  Chuck E. Cheese started in 1977, and the animated figures used in the pizza restaurants were characters cut off at the waist inside picture frames mounted on the walls.  Chuck E. Cheese (AKA Charles Entertainment Cheese) himself was a tough New Jersey Rat with a cigar.  Even though I grew up with the full bodied, more advanced characters from Showbiz Pizza, I do find the original, clunky 1977 Chuck E. Cheese "Portrait Animatronics" to be charming.  Eventually, Chuck E. Cheese was redesigned and his species was reassigned to a somehow more acceptable mouse alternative.  I miss the sleazy, inappropriate, old rat version of Chuck E. Cheese.  So I made a figure of Charles Entertainment Cheese using Sculpey and paint to celebrate the flea-ridden pest who drank and smoked and served up pizza to video game-obsessed kids for decades.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I must post in group and you must join:
