Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Monster Plantation/The Monster Mansion Part 3

The Monster Plantation featured beautiful background paintings depicting a sunny southern afternoon.  For The Monster Mansion, the setting switched from daytime to dusk.

The monster picnic is in full swing here, and we encounter all sorts of colorful characters.

A female monster has dumped her picnic basket on her male friend's head.  Note that they get their pizza from Luigi's.

A pink baby monster named Toonie stays close to his big mama, Etheleen.  She tells her baby, "Don't be frightened, child.  They're only humans."  Toonie became a yellow monster in 2009.

The Monster Scouts are getting into mischief.  A monster child is trapped by a fellow scout inside a butterfly net.  The trapped monster and butterfly were sold on eBay for charity.

A nasty little orange monster named Stotz plants an explosive device on an unsuspecting monster named Lappy.

The big coach monster (she always gets a laugh) is named Big Bertha.  She shouts at the Scouts to line up for roll call.

A trio of looney birds nearby are called the Out of Tunesters, and they attempt to sing.

Not shown from this section is a little monster playing ring toss with the tail of a another monster---a big, orange Ferdinand the Bull-like monster sniffing flowers.

Also not seen in these pictures is a trio of monsters trying to get honey from a beehive.

Our journey will continue...


  1. Are the Out of Toonsters monsters that just so happen to look like birds, or are they regular ol' birds that are just big and goofy-looking enough to hang out with the monsters?

    1. I've wondered the same thing. The whole bird/dinosaur thing blurs some lines. Very progressive of the ride designers back in 1980. They were ahead of their time.
