Friday, June 4, 2010

The Very Nice Head Lice

In 2009, I developed a storybook spoof called "The Very Nice Head Lice"--A Filthy Bedtime Story, and I started sharing it with my friends.  I was inspired by simple storybooks like "Goodnight Moon."  I was thinking about something that would be fun for adults to read (NOT to their children!).  This gets really dark and twisted, and eventually (but not in this post) there's foul language.  This project is actually still a work in progress, as I have not finished it yet.  Here's a taste of the madness --- you won't even see the Head Lice characters here.  Don't read this.  You've been warned!

Sleep tight!  Don't let the bed bugs bite (and yes, there are bed bugs in this story)!


  1. Ha ha ha very funny!! If I were a publisher, you'd be booked ;)

  2. Thank you so much, 1950's atomic ranch house! Great to see you here!

  3. I sure hope this story isn't drawn from personal experiences!

  4. too funny! you know, i bet you could market this to school nurses :)

  5. Great artwork! I'm curious to see what happens....

  6. Peyton: I would probably get lots of sympathy if I said this was drawn from my own personal experiences, so yes, this is based on a true story. ;-)

    Ally: Ha ha! Maybe school nurses could give this to parents!

    TokyoMagic!: Thank you! My blog will have to be rated TV-14 for this story. :-)

  7. This was so cute. Although now I'll be scratching and freaking out in bed tonight...

  8. Thanks, Sadako! Hopefully you had an undisturbed sleep. I did have an unfortunate experience with ants many years ago. I left an opened box of cereal in my room. Ants found the cereal, and they were everywhere, including my bed. I threw all the bedding out in the front yard.
