Monday, October 23, 2017

The New McDonald's SeaBiscuit: My Social Media Cartoons

Have you tried the new McDonald's SeaBiscuit?  Made with Fish, Eggs and Bacon, it's the Catch of the Day!  There's nothing quite like a fish breakfast sandwich.

Of course, this isn't real.  But maybe it should be.

Thanks to Social Media, it's easier than ever to to unleash ideas to the world.  Or at least to social media.

My experience with Facebook has often been "not great."  However, it is a fun way to show people silly ideas that pop into my head.

On Columbus Day, I noticed that nobody really wishes anyone a Happy Columbus Day.

You never see Columbus Day Greeting Cards.  I decided to change that.

When Hurricane Irma recently roared towards Florida, it was pretty scary.

I wondered how to capture the essence of a Hurricane as a cartoon.  Then I found the answer watching the weather forecast.  I had never paid attention to the symbol of a hurricane symbol before.  I can see the eye!

As Hurricane Irma ripped through Florida and Alabama, TV stations had a field day with weather coverage.

The buzzwords made me think of Hurricane Baby Names.

Then there was an item I heard about "Soil and Water Conservation."  Sounds kinda boring, right?  Well, I thought about mascots for such an organization.

Then I thought of their slogan.

You don't see many plant cartoon characters.  I came up with two.

These two mellow characters live in Colorado.

I recently came up with a character named Formula Juan Racer, based on a friend.

I have many more ideas for Formula Juan Racer and he is already a mascot for my blog.

For Halloween, I had to do something with Candy Corn.

Very corny, I know.

The success of Marvel's Black Panther got me thinking about the cartoon character The Pink Panther.

I thought about this at lunch, and had no paper, so I just grabbed the receipt for my sandwich and did a quick doodle.

I am not a political person.  I'm just mean.

I also think Twitter is stupid.

For Valentines Day, I came up with a special cartoon using a "puppet" character named Valentino (made of painted foam and pipe cleaners).

Coming up with Inappropriate Conversation Hearts was great fun.  I wanted all the facial features on Valentino to be hearts.  I think it looks pretty creepy, which is fun for the such a cloying, pandering holiday.

I also came up with an idea for a horror movie called Butterfly Kiss of Death.

The Butterflies destroy humanity.  Nobody suspects them.  It is the perfect crime.

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