Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Kindergarten Kreations

I recently found some of my Kindergarten artwork.  What is interesting is that I vividly remember working on these drawings.

This alligator was supposed to have glasses.  A classmate saw what I was doing, took my paper, and added the eyelashes.  I was not happy about this.  However, Mrs. Chapman, my teacher, really liked my alligator.  She liked it so much that she had me work on a special project.  She had me make a much larger version of this picture, which was framed and put in one of the hallways of the school.  It was on display for years, but I don't know if it is still there.

"The Book of Me" was one of those assignments where you had to draw your family members, your pet, and your house.  The cover was a xerox copy, but the students created the artwork for the rest of the book.  It looks like Mrs. Chapman helped us by writing the text.

Okay, so here I am.  It looks like I forgot to draw my hands.  I do like my use of complementary colors here.

This is my mother.  I gave her a groovy dress and an animal print shirt.  I have to say that my use of red and green here is nice.  I did not know about the color wheel in kindergarten.  Are you getting a bizarre vibe from these drawings?  Just wait.

This is my father.  I can explain.  I thought that drawing my family members was very boring.  I started off drawing my dad as a snowman (hence the top hat and round body segments).  Then I thought, why not keep adding round segments and make him a caterpillar?  So I did.  And I'd do it again.  This prompted Mrs. Chapman to contact my parents.

This is my brother.  I actually think this is a good representation of him (for a 5 year old's drawing, that is).  I like the use of black and purple here.

 This is our family cat, Cupcake.  I loved drawing animals, but I admit that this does not look very much like her.

Here is our house, which is being attacked by a giant bird.  Exciting!


  1. And so it began. That's VERY impressive for a 5 year old! I recently posted a page of my cartooning when I was 12, but it's not nearly as creative.

  2. HA! Great stuff! Wish I had some of my old drawings from kindergarten! I remember also thinking my family was boring in first grade, and added a robot to my family drawing!

  3. Thanks, Robyn! I must go look at your drawings now.

    Thanks, Darrin! I love that you put a robot in your family---I hope someone saved that drawing, because I want to see it!

  4. Oh, where have I been? I've been absent from blogland and I've missed some good stuff!

    These are really fun. You were a very creative kid! Now I think I need to dig out some of my old childhood drawings to post on Scatterbrained...

  5. Thanks, Peyton! I cannot wait to see some of your artwork.

  6. What talent! I see it started early! My mom saved all of my elementary school artwork, reports, projects, etc. I made some of the seasonal artwork into holiday greeting cards a few years back.

  7. Thanks, TokyoMagic! That's a great idea for holiday cards--very unique and one-of-a-kind, for sure. My Mom and Grandma saved lots of my artwork, but they gave it all back to me. Re-gifters!!!

  8. Dan you were so creative then and now! These so need to be framed or yes, made into holiday cards.

  9. Thanks, Ally! I think I'm going to send my Dad his caterpillar picture for Father's Day. :-)
