Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bad Biker Kitties: Topps Perlorian Cats

If you've ever wanted to see members of a kitten motorcycle gang, here they are.

In 1982, Topps released Perlorian Cats Stickers, unusual trading cards by Satoru Tuda.  This series appears to be from another country.
I'm sure I could easily find out where these originated, but the mystery is part of the appeal for me here.  I don't even know how I got these.  I don't remember buying them.  I think they may have been a purchase from a yard sale when I was a kid.  I have a bunch of these in a photo album, and I wonder if we bought someone's collection.
These are bizarre.  Cute, but bizarre.  It looks like the photographers had firm-bodied, snap-on costumes for these pictures.

There were many other themes in this collection.

Like other Topps sets, there are images on the back of the cards that make a larger picture.
Gum was included with these stickers, and I'll bet it was tuna flavored.


  1. Those are truly precious, and I've never seen them before. Love them!

  2. Hey Robyn! You know, there's no way I could possibly make some of this stuff up, and I think I'm pretty imaginative. :-)

  3. omg, these are so adorable! i love 'em!

  4. Hey Ally! I'm glad you like them! It would have been really funny if they had dressed one up like Marlon Brando from "The Wild One."

  5. I am so obsessed with these motorcycle cats.

  6. Hey Nicoya Grobman! I know, they are wild. Maybe Perlorian could team up with "Sons of Anarchy" for some new cards.

  7. Hi Dan, Satoru Tsuda is a Japanese photographer (his name is misspelled on the cards) who is responsible for these cool cats. Read all about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perlorian

  8. Wow, these Bad Biker Kitties are from Japan! That is awesome. :-)
