Bonjour! The 2013 DreamWorks animated film "Turbo" stars Ryan Reynolds as a snail racing in the Indianapolis 500. The Turbo F.A.S.T. series on Netflix was just the start of the snail's quest for world domination.
Today, Chanson Pourlespetitsenfan, the CEO of Go Go Escargot Restaurants (the fastest growing restaurant chain in France) has announced that Turbo will become the official mascot of the snail-based fast food empire. Chanson says, "We encourage children to play with their food, so Turbo is the perfect fit. Also, the character works well with our slogan."
That slogan just happens to be "Slow Food---Fast!"
New live action commercials will star a trained garden snail playing Turbo. The snail will be fed peanut butter to stimulate the mouth movement, and Ryan Reynolds will add the voice later. The new ads, directed by Michael Bay, will be filmed all over the world as part of the new ad campaign for Go Go Escargot.
Or I was inspired to make all that up when I found this 1999 STP fuel injector cleaner snail ad in an old magazine, and it reminded me of Turbo.
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