In 1987, Disney's
DuckTales debuted, bringing the world of Uncle Scrooge comics to life on television. One of the characters created for the show was Duckworth (voiced by Chuck McCann), Scrooge's butler, based on other butler characters from the comics. One of the maddening things about the show for me was that Duckworth was clearly not a duck, but a dog. Duckworth definitely carried a chip on his shoulder, and had some of the best lines of the show. My favorite was this sassy line to Scrooge McDuck, who is famous for swimming in his money bin: "Swimming in water? Oh dear, what will you ducks think of next?"
For the 2017 reboot of
DuckTales, Duckworth became an obsession with Disney fans when the show first debuted. It seemed that the character was not included in the series, but in fact he was always in the show's intro, but in disguise. In this new version, Duckworth (now voiced by David Kaye) was Scrooge's deceased butler. The ghost of Duckworth returned to the mansion and showed off a scary, sinister looking identity that has always been in the show's main title animation.
In the world of TV Tropes, Duckworth is a 1) Non-Indicative Name 2)Ghost Butler 3)Hellhound.
I decided to make Duckworth out of rocks and shells. I also wanted to include his different identities. So here's mortal Duckworth, ghost Duckworth, and demon Duckworth.
I love how you put this character (as well as all of your other characters) out of shells and rocks (and shark's teeth?). I've never seen the DuckTales TV show, or the movie, but I did have a lot of "Uncle Scrooge" comic books when I was a kid. Actually, I still have them and I should get them's been decades since I've looked at them. So Duckworth was only based on butlers from the comic books, but didn't specifically appear in them?
ReplyDeleteThanks TokyoMagic! It looks like there have been different butler characters in the comics over the years. One was a character named Albert Quackmore (also a dog).
DeleteThere was a very similar character named Jeeves in the Sport Goofy "Soccermania" cartoon special that aired on NBC in 1987.