Del Monte introduced its very popular line of Yumkins fruit and vegetable characters in 1982. With 50 labels from Del Monte canned fruit and vegetables, our family got a plush toy of Sweetie Pea. With all the work we put in to get Sweetie Pea, you'd think we would have put a tracking device on the toy, but I think it was given away many years ago.
In 1991, Del Monte offered a set of six Yumkins ornaments. The characters shown are Sweetie Pea, Juicy Pineapple, Precious Pear, Cobbie Corn, Reddie Tomato, and Lushie Peach.
This set was free with a mere 100 UPC symbols. Or, you could spend $6.95 and send them 25 UPC symbols. Or you could pay them $14.95 and not have to buy anything else.
The coupon notes "Please allow 8-10 weeks for delivery." I remember waiting in agony for mail-away premiums like this, then the thrill of finally getting that box in the mail!
By 1991, we already had way too many ornaments for our Christmas tree, so we did not even try to get these.
Sometime in the last decade, this set of ornaments was given to me as a Christmas present.
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