In the Disney Pixar animated TV special, "A Finding Nemo Christmas," Nemo and Marlin prepare for an undersea holiday celebration. Dory, Bruce, Anchor and Chum are at the helm of a major gathering for "caroling in the coral." Everyone is excited except for Peach the Starfish. Peach just isn't a good singer, and after hearing jokes from the rest of the former "Tank Gang, " the already touchy starfish is sent over the edge. She wants nothing to do with the holiday festivities. Luckily, Nemo finds a way to include her---by putting her on the top of the reef's "tree" as the "star" and the center of attention.
"A Finding Nemo Christmas" provides a fresh twist---computer animated, but with a paper-cut animation look (sort of a Christmas card come to life).
Who better to "star" in a Nemo Christmas story than a sulking Starfish?
OK, so I made all this up, based on this artwork:
This is the Holiday 2003 cover for The Disney Catalog. The artist for this charming piece of art is unfortunately uncredited. I love it, and think it could be the basis for a very unconventional TV special.
Frontierland Friday: Cascade Peak
3 hours ago
Great idea for a Xmas special, Dan!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in Tokyo, Tokyo DisneySea had a mini-plush "Peach" with a magnet inside and I've been regretting not buying her ever since I got back home!
Geez you had me going. I couldn't figure out why I hadn't heard about this, and using their feature film characters in shorts and stuff is certainly something that Pixar advertises when they do it.
ReplyDeleteThanks, TokyoMagic! That Peach magnet sounds nice. You'll just have to go back and get it real soon--:-)
ReplyDeleteHey Eric! I've always really liked the 2D style Nemo designs, frequently seen for merchandise and books. I remember being wowed by the idea and execution of this Disney Catalog cover!